


  • 重庆市渝北区哈罗礼德学校
  • 报名时间:2021-05-07至2021-05-12
  • 活动时间:2021年5月15日
  • 报名费用:0.00元
  • 活动地点:重庆市渝北区两江大道哈罗礼德学校中小学部
  • 距报名截止时间还有 00 小时 00
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      赛事简介 Registration Information

      1. 关于哈罗慈善长跑 About Harrow Long Ducker

      哈罗慈善长跑是英国哈罗公学延续多年的体育传统。从19世纪开始,学校每年都会举办以慈善作为目的的长跑,目前在亚洲运营的哈罗学校也都延续这个传统。作为中国西南地区第一所哈罗学校,哈罗重庆也将沿袭这一哈罗传统。今年的哈罗重庆慈善长跑是哈罗重庆第一届慈善长跑,本届长跑将在哈罗重庆渝北校园举办。本活动将收取99元的报名费,该费用将全部用于慈善项目的捐赠. 本届哈罗长跑募集的善款将用于救助运动障碍儿童。


      The Long Ducker is a sporting tradition that has continued for many years at Harrow School in the UK. Since the 19th century, Harrow School has held an annual run for charity. Such tradition has been inherited by existing Harrow family schools currently operating in Asia. As the first Harrow family school in Southwest China, Harrow Chongqing also follow this tradition. This year's Harrow Chongqing Long Ducker is the first of its kind in Chongqing and will be held at Harrow Chongqing's Yubei campus. The registration fee is 99 RMB and the fee will all be used for Charity purposes. Money raised from this year's event will be donated to help children with sports disabilities.


      2. 报名时间 Online Registration:2021/5/7 0:00 – 2021/5/12 24:00

      3. 活动时间 Event Schedule: 2021/5/15 9:00-11:30

          入场时间 Sign-up 9:00-9:30

          起跑时间 Start of the Run9:45

          清场时间 Closing the Finishing Line:11:00

      4. 活动地点 Location:重庆哈罗礼德学校渝北校区(渝北区两江大道)Harrow Innovation Leadership Academy Chongqing (Liangjiang Ave., Yubei District)

      5. 活动内容 Event


      This year's Harrow Chongqing Long Ducker will be following a 1.2 km pavement track around the campus. There will be two types of run this year: the long duck (6 km) and the mini ducker (2.6 km). We encourage you to  participate in a family unit, but for safety reasons and athletic ability, only children above 4 can sign up. Children under the age of 10 are recommended to register for the mini ducker.

      6. 报名须知 Registration Information

      本次慈善长跑活动报名费为99元/人,活动所有报名费所得全部用于慈善项目捐赠;(报名成功后,如若活动当天因自身原因未能参与,报名费不予退款);The registration fee for the charity run is 99 RMB per person, all proceeds from the registration fee will be used for charitable projects(Please note that after successful registration, if you are unable to participate for your own reasons on the day of the event, the registration fee will not be refunded).

      本次慈善长跑活动不以竞技为目的,旨在鼓励哈罗社区的家庭和孩子通过协作完成长跑,只设置6公里跑段的前3名进行颁奖;This charity run is essentially not a competition. It mainly aims to encourage families in the Harrow community to complete the run through collaboration. Only the top 3 places in the 6km run will be awarded.

      本次慈善长跑活动鼓励小选手释放天性、展现自我,可以按照自己的喜好进行独具个性的装扮,最终评选出3名“最有趣装扮奖”; This charity run encourages the young runners to release their nature and embrace themselves, they can dress up uniquely according to their own preferences, and 3 "Most Interesting Costume Awards" will be given.

      报名成功后,活动现场会发放长跑物资包一个,其中包含运动背包1个、号码贴1个、定制T恤1件、能量补给包1个;After successful registration, a long-distance running supplies package will be issued at the event site, which includes one sports backpack, one number sticker and one customized T-shirt,and one energy pack.

      报名参加本次活动的选手,建议年龄在10岁至55岁之间;年龄4到10岁的儿童建议报名迷你长跑;年龄超过65岁的老人需提供健康证明,并由家人签署参赛说明;Registration for the event is recommended for runners between the ages of 10 and 55, with children from age 4 to 10 being recommended for the Mini Ducker. For seniors over 65, you must provide a health certificate and a signed acknowledgement will be needed onsite. 

      未成年人参加比赛要求至少有一名监护人陪同参与;Minors are required to be accompanied by at least one guardian to participate in the competition.

      有下列情况者不宜报名参赛:先天性心脏病和风湿性心脏病;高血压和脑血管疾病;心肌炎和其他心脏病;冠状动脉病和严重心律不齐;血糖过高或过低的糖尿病;妊娠;比赛日前两周以内患过感冒;其它不适合运动的情况;Those with the following conditions should not register: congenital heart disease and rheumatic heart disease; hypertension and cerebrovascular disease; myocarditis and other heart disease; coronary artery disease and severe arrhythmia; diabetes with high or low blood sugar; pregnancy; a cold or other respiratory disease within two weeks before the race day; other conditions that are not suitable for sports.

      7. 咨询热线 Inquiries 023-6747 8316



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